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Great Cruz Bay Homeowner’s Association

Rules and Regulations for the Dinghy Landing Area

Disclaimer: The pending permit from the VI Government is only for the floating

dock and gangplank. The dinghy rack area is not included in our permit and at

any time all Property Owners may be told these racks may no longer be located


1. Usage:

a. Only Property Owners in good standing with the GCBHA will be allowed to

access the Dinghy Landing Area(DLA) for parking, use of floating dock or use

of racks. Any Property Owner who wishes to use the DLA should request a

sticker for their car. If the Property Owner does not own a car locally the sticker

can be applied to a rear view mirror hanger and displayed on the rental car.

b. Personal guests of property owners may park in the DLA as long as the

property owner has issued a hanging guest pass for their vehicle and said pass

is displayed in clear view from the rearview mirror or on the dash of the visitor’s


c. Short term renters are not allowed to use the DLA for parking or access.

d. No commercial charter boats are allowed to use the DLA including to pick up

and drop off charter guests.

e. Property Owner’s cruising for extended periods should leave a note on the

dash of their vehicle with the dates that the vehicle will be parked but in no

case are allowed to park for any period longer than 5 days.

f. No dinghy or vessel of more than 18’ may tie to the dock at any time.

g. No dinghy or vessel may remain tied to the dock overnight. The floating dock

is for loading and unloading by Property Owners.

2. Dinghy rack allocation

a. Dinghy rack space is allocated using the first come first serve process. Dinghy

racks are to be provided by the Property Owner but the space for the rack is to

be solely determined by the GCBHA and any rack can be removed or relocated

at any time deemed necessary by the GCBHA in order to accommodate the

most requests.

b. There are approximately 9 spaces available for allocation.

c. Property Owner’s wishing to be allocated a space must send a written request

to the GCBHA and will be placed on a waiting list and will be accommodated as

space becomes available based on the date the written request is received.

d. No Property Owner can be allocated more than one space.

e. In the event a Property Owner gives up a space or is no longer eligible for a

space then the Property Owner in line for that space can negotiate directly with

the Property Owner to purchase or rent that existing rack. If the existing rack

does not satisfy the needs of the incoming Property Owner then the outgoing

Property Owner would have 10 days to remove their rack or the GCBHA would

have the right to remove it and dispose of it.

f. To be eligible for a rack space a Property Owner must be in good standing with

the GCBHA and must have a dinghy size boat (maximize length 16’ ) with

current registration (within 90 days of being allocated a space) that will be

stored on the rack. Having a space allocated does not guarantee that a

maximize dinghy will fit.

g. A Property Owner who goes 6 months without a registered dinghy on the

allocated rack will become ineligible and the next Property Owner will be

contacted to allocate that space……add period

h. Allocation is not transferable meaning it cannot be sold with a Property,

assigned to anyone, leased to anyone or loaned to anyone.

3. Storage

a. No trailers or other vehicles may be stored in the DLA for more than 48 hours

and for no more than one 48 hour period in any given month.

b. No construction material, equipment, vehicles, or bush may be stored or

dumped on the DLA.

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